10 Ways To Bring Europe To Your Home

Missing out on your European vacation this summer? You’re not the only one. I was supposed to be visiting France and Italy with my family this week, but instead I am here in my childhood home quarantining. It sure is a bummer, but definitely trivial compared to the world’s problems these days. Luckily, there are little ways we can bring that European flair we love so much to our homes. Although it will never be a replacement for travel, here are some ways you can bring the essence of Europe to your home!

Have a backyard picnic

One thing that you don’t see as much in the States as in Europe is people enjoying outdoor spaces. Even when the weather isn’t super warm, people are always seen outside reading a book or enjoying a snack with friends. A few weekends ago, I cut up some fruit & cheese on a cutting board and brought it outside with a bottle of wine. I was immediately transported to France, and it looked so cute!

Curate a playlist from your last trip

One tip my sister gave me is to create a playlist for each trip you go on, filled with all the songs you heard. Remember the song you listened to in the first cafe you stepped into in Amsterdam? Or the song that was playing when you walked into the club in Barcelona? The songs don’t even have to all make sense together, but they’ll make sense to you! Curating a playlist with all the tunes from your last trip is a great way reminisce on all your memories. Get together with the friends or family you went on your last trip with over Zoom and compile all the songs you remember. My Ireland 2019 playlist is an example of one of my trip playlists.

Redecorate your room

My room is Paris-themed, equipped with a metal Eiffel Tower and map of the city on my wall. I love the feeling of looking around and seeing images of my favorite city. Use this time to collect some decorations of your favorite cities to hang on your wall, or maybe even frame some of your favorite photos to hang!

Photo album from your last trip

Since everything is digital these days, we forget the joy of flipping throughout a photo album and reliving memories. Have some printed photos laying around from your last trip? Compile them into a photo album to keep it out on your coffee table.

New recipe from the next country you want to visit

The best part of traveling is the FOOD. Experiencing other cultures’ cuisines is definitely my favorite part of travel. Since we can’t go out to eat or travel right now, look up some recipes from the country you want to visit next and cook them up at home in your kitchen!

Tour museums virtually

There are tons of museums offering virtual tours right now. From the British Museum in London to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, check out some of the museums around the world that are offering virtual tours.

Mail a letter or postcard

Do you mail a postcard to loved ones every time you visit a new place? This shouldn’t have to stop just because we’re quarantined. Surprise a friend who lives far away and design a postcard – greetings from my couch! There are even tons of postcard makers online, I use Canva.

Tailor your wardrobe to European style

Let’s face it, Europeans are much more stylish than us in the States. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a tip or two from them and implement it into our own closets! Go through your wardrobe and pick out some fabulous outfits that remind you of the street style in Milan or Berlin, and you’ll be walking out in style once you can finally travel again.

Walk in the park

The abundance of public parks in Europe are truly appreciated by everyone there. Show some love to your local park by taking an afternoon stroll and breathing in the fresh air of nature.

Read your travel journal

Do you have a travel journal? I keep one to list some of my favorite restaurants, hotels, museums and memories, though I rarely look at it unless I’m planning on traveling there again. Open up your journal and revisit some of your memories! Maybe this will even inspire you to plan a return trip somewhere once we’re able to.


While it is unfortunate we can’t travel right now, Europe is a mindset. These little changes you can make at home will make you feel like you’re eating a croissant at the Eiffel Tower or drinking sangria in Madrid!

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